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Fastest IPL


Fastest IPL Results* 
*Clearance in 1-2 sessions, compared to 4-5 sessions with competing devices


Lumecca is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. In just 1-3 sessions Lumecca improves the appearance of age spots, sun damage, vascular lesions, rosacea and freckles. This aids in improving complexion and anti-ageing the skin. 


Lumecca can be used on all areas of the body. Common treatment areas include: face, neck, décolletage, legs, hands and arms 


What Is Lumecca IPL? 

Lumecca IPL is one of the most powerful treatments that uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology and treats various skin concerns effectively. It goes through a process called photothermolysis where it uses heat breaks and eliminates unwanted skin cells. Skin concerns like hyperpigmentation, spider veins, age spots, and other skin discolouration damages are usually the areas that Lumecca IPL tackle.

It uses comfortable light treatment to target areas that use selective photo-thermolysis to provide photo-facial. Results can be seen as soon as after the procedure - it leaves the skin looking clear and significantly improves the complexion. 

What Does Lumecca IPL Treat?

What Are the Benefits of Lumecca IPL?

As you grow older, you will experience discolouration on your skin, fine lines, wrinkles, and spider veins. While there are other invasive treatments, this light treatment tackles those areas to improve the appearance and make the skin look younger. Lumecca IPL treatment can be used in different areas of the body that’s usually exposed to direct sunlight: the face, neck, arms, legs, décolletage, and hands. 

This treatment directly treats areas suffering from sun damage and lessens the visibility of discolouration in the area. There are visible results as early as after the treatment, and will gradually improve for a few days. Not only does it make the skin look flawless, but it also makes you look younger and makes your pores look smaller as well. Lumecca IPL facial is one of the common services cosmetic clinics offer as most of the sun damage is on the face and its severity can lead to loss of self-confidence.

 Aside from the quick and painless way to look better, Lumecca IPL is ideal for people who suffer various skin issues related to sun damage and ageing. Through light and heat, it destroys the unwanted skin cells and rejuvenates the skin and effectively makes it look younger. Here are the benefits of Lumecca IPL based on skin problems:

  • It effectively reduces hyperpigmentation and lightens brown spots on the distressed area.

  • It leaves behind smoother and younger-looking skin.

  • It effectively minimizes enlarged pores for a more flawless glass skin look. 

  • Effectively removes the redness of the skin caused by rosacea and acne marks.

  • Eradicates the visibility of spider veins and broken capillaries.

  • Smoothens fine lines and wrinkles caused by age.

  • It can greatly reduce the appearance of sun damage.

  • Completely eliminates age spots and unwanted freckles.


How Quickly Will I See Results From Lumecca?

What is the Downtime for Lumecca?

While there are visible results after the Lumecca™ IPL treatment, it usually takes a few weeks to fully see the optimal results, depending on what treatment you chose. Diminishing sun damage and improving the skin complexion can be seen after a few days and will eventually become clear after one to two weeks.

For ideal results, getting multiple photofacial sessions will help you achieve younger-looking skin. For treatments that require the removal of thread veins, the results can immediately be seen within 2 weeks. Lumecca™ IPL facial treatment might cause darkening after treatment after 24-48 hours, but this will eventually fade in a few days.

While there is no downtime, there will be darkening of the areas treated with Lumecca™ IPL and will eventually fade in a few days. It usually just lasts up to a maximum of 3 days and will eventually flake off. There will also be warming on areas of the skin and redness on areas as well, but it will fade and heal after 3 days.

During the healing process, it is ideal to avoid direct sun exposure and minimize it as much as possible. This would also include heat-inducing activities like sauna and hot massages.

Before and After


Peak Power Effect On Skin Rejuvenation Using IPl: Lumecca IPl Evaluation

Author: E. V. Ross MD; and Michael Kreindel, PhD 
Technology: Lumecca  
Published Date: May 2016
Publication: Advances in Aging Research

Price Menu

LUMECCA Face/Gesicht                                                                            350

LUMECCA Face/Gesicht 3er Ab                                                                  900

LUMECCA Neck/Hals                                                                               200

LUMECCA Face+Neck/Gesicht + Hals                                                         450

LUMECCA Face+Neck/Gesicht + Hals 3er Abo                                           1300

LUMECCA Décoletté                                                                                  250

LUMECCA Hands/Hände                                                                           200

LUMECCA Schoulders/Schultern                                                                  200

LUMECCA Lower Arms/Unterarme                                                                150

LUMECCA Upper Arms/Oberarme                                                               150

LUMECCA Arms complete/Ganze Arme                                                        350

LUMECCA Legs/Beine                                                                                400

LUMECCA Back complete+Schoulders/ganze Rücken+Schultern                        350

LUMECCA Dark Spots/Einzelne Pigmentflecken                                          ab 100

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